Is participation voluntary?

Your involvement in the study is completely voluntary and will have no impact on your access to employment services. If you wish to withdraw from the research project at any point or to withdraw any information which has not yet been processed, you are completely free to do so.

How is my information kept private and confidential?

Your responses will be completely confidential and will be held by the University of Melbourne. No one from your employment service provider or from your workplace will have access to your responses. All data will be stored in a secure, restricted-access area in the University of Melbourne and will be restricted to research staff working on the project.

What should I do if I move or change my details or name?

Please fill out the Update My Details Form on this website or head to the Contacts Us page.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint about the study?

If you have a complaint concerning the manner in which this research is conducted, please contact the Human Research Ethics and Integrity manager at the University of Melbourne.